Friday, April 23, 2010

Thomas is Here! Thomas is Here!

The grand boy is here...sorta like Paul Revere's ride:  The British are coming, The British are coming! Thomas is here, Thomas is here! All the chickens head for the hills, bugs dig a little deeper in the ground, frogs head for the deep water, caterpillars go to the top of the trees....and I get ready for whywhywhywhywhyhuhhuhhuhhuh????????????

The morning starts at 6:30, that's Maw's RISE AND SHINE...and save me for later.

The following activities take place at intervals of Thomas' choosing.

Wake Paw up
Chase dog around screaming, " Come here Lucy" at the top of his lungs.
push weather radio off and on a dozen times at full volume
Want breakfast
Don't want breakfast
Want breakfast only with video
Wake Paw up
REALLY wake Paw up

Mid morning activities include:

Ride Cushman truck cart
Ride Big Green Tractor
Start '68 Dodge flat bed (better known as Clifford the Big Red Truck.)
Let chickens out of pen.
Feed and chase, feed and chase
Ride some more
Go get water bottles for him and Paw and take Maw two rocks from garlic patch.
Find tresures in driveway (a trailer ball I lost last week off the Cushman)
Turn hose on to make mud to stomp in while Paw hooks up "irridation" hoses...change shoes.

Noontime activities:
No, I don['t want to eat lunch
No Nap
Will nap, if allowed to pee outside
renig...NO NAP
NAP ...

Wake up and start over till ( to be announced) PM. Whew!

Calvin and Hobbes has always been my favorite...and Thomas is just about as close as it comes to youthful exuberance and experimentation...I can't imagine what my Ma went through with brother Bob and me. She found solace in the fact she had a sister, to play with.

 The three of us had the 50's to play in when paranoia in America wasn't rampant, the media didn't warn against everything that children do that isn't organized and orchestrated, and Mamas weren't so protective of their children. You know the old " Stop that you'll put your eye out!"

We also had 600 + acres of playground outside our window with abandoned saw mill villages, creeks, cotton fields, a dairy and imaginary worlds you wouldn't believe. When we heard Daddy's car horn at 5:30, we were ready to go home, eat, get sprayed off with the hose, put on clean underwear, catch a few lightning bugs and go to sleep in the pup tent in the yard.

Ah, youth! Maybe Thomas and I will sleep in the trailer ....or on some unidentified Hubble galaxy tonight!


  1. Sounds like a pretty typical day with Thomas! He has quite an imagination!

  2. Aw, that's cute. Can't wait until Odessa bursts your bubble by being an insufferable layabout like me and Allison was.


Some Words of Wisdom

A mouth can break it's nose - Irish Proverb To celebrate with confetti is not a celebration to those who have to clean it up. tractor ...