Thursday, November 8, 2012

Forgive Me...

Road Cat

Forgive me, I have been called to task for my lack of attention to the blog. My small, but concerned public is clamoring for answers.

 I have been involved in other duties: election speculation, social media, gaming,(Free Cell) planting garlic, manure spreader repair, clay mixing, making pots, music gigs, fall farm grounds cleanup +  the regular stuff like eating, sleeping, and loafering,

I offer some insight as to how things are going, pro and con:

A former student and her husband lost a home to the Breezy Point fire. Only had it a couple years, worked forever to buy it. Ashes covered in snow today, I imagine. She sheds no tears...a true West Virginian.

Lisa, a young photographer friend lives in Brooklyn. has power, heat, and no garlic. She has been tempted to bail, as she had 3/4 tank of gas, before the nor'easter hit. Who would want to go through two storms, in two weeks. when you could watch the second on TV somewhere else. Don't know if she took her own advice or can only hope.

I have not heard from my relations in Erie, Pa. as to how the lake dwellers have managed. 25 foot waves on a fresh water lake are a bit inconceivable to me. I hope the did better than the ocean dwellers.

Late breaking news from WV: Do not sit on a metal chair in a kilt in 30 degree weather.

Garlic is in the ground. Thank you, Michael, Jacob and John for the help. Still have lots 2012 harvest available for sale if any of you need some. Of course you do!

Bush Hogging done, grass green and poking up through frost this morning. Peppers have made it through two frosts.

Lost two bee hives this year. I've figured it out. Young bee packages should be contained in 5 frame nucs. Too many predators, wax moths and beetles. to contend with in a large hive body to bigger house and two few bees. They can't defend themselves. Still have two strong hives. Better luck next year.

Grandson Michael got a DOG! He is six, and has wanted a dog since they moved to a house with a "field" (backyard) for a dog to live in.

and I hope your man won...mine did.

OK, that's it. There's more, but I've been told to keep it short.

 I include a picture of the dog-cat in repose, dreaming of flying upside down under the Brooklyn Bridge.
People like pictures in blogs...that way they don't have to read this drivel...right Matt and Brother Bob?
TDC supercat


Some Words of Wisdom

A mouth can break it's nose - Irish Proverb To celebrate with confetti is not a celebration to those who have to clean it up. tractor ...