My wife and I have small piece of land, a mighty fine double wide trailer house, a sorry cat, and are both retired. Me from nothing She from something with a retirement.
I was told by a friend in California once that if there ever was a depression, I'd be the last to know, or care. Maybe true, till the groceries run out.
I have noticed how good a can Vienna Sausages, or Beenie Weenies and soda crackers are fitten fare.. especially if you have a Moon Pie and a Mason Jar of ice water and a shade tree to lean against whilst you partake in this roadside feast. I can see the raised eyebrows, but it's good. Stop by the country store working hard all morning, and Mickey D's.
Pat and Janice, us, loved to garden. We loved to create pottery. We loved to grow garlic. We loved to go to music gatherings, hog callings, molasses boiling's, rat killings, meadow muffin tosses, and other homespun activities of little consequence to the real world out there.
I notice we don't do most of those things much anymore. Doesn't seem that important.
I've been wondering this morning if old age has anything to do with not worrying.
I notice if I need to do something like, whatever? No worries, it can wait. Motivation becomes a victim of procrastination .until necessity knocks at the door.
I have thanked my lucky stars in the past twenty something years that I am complacently content; too young to die, too old for gainful employment. Best part is that I have nice playground to piddle around in. Especially good in these times of social distancing. Not much of a change for us'unes on the farm. Groundhogs, birds, deer and rest of the critters agree. Social distancing don't matter down on the farm.
I noticed sunsets are good. If you sit quietly as the sun sinks below the horizon, a small breath of wind stirs in the trees high up...telling the night animals it's there turn.
I noticed I don't see many sunrises anymore. Always thought they were overated. I ruined a few good sunrise opportunities driving driving to work. I try to sleep through them to forget early rising. I know I'm in the minority here, but there are those cursed to wake up naturally at 4 AM...and have to wait for sunrise.
I have noticed Old Man Age. He's got more sense than most of us, and is a very persuasive teacher.
I've noticed Old Man Age teaches the brain and the body to come to some accord. He will consciously tell you..."If you jump off that bank you're gonna' break your leg." Ok, maybe I'll slide down on my butt and crawl back up.
My mother gracefully stopped driving her dinosaur white Cadillac when she announced she couldn't get her foot off the skinny pedal and onto the square one fast enough for herself to be comfortable riding with herself. Would we all have that kind of good sense.
I noticed early in life that vacations are not vacations. You spent too much money, stayed up too late, ate and drank too much and got home tireder than you were when you left home. It takes 3 days to get ready and pack the car, a day or two to get there. After 5 days of furious activity, packing up and getting back to unpack, check what surprises the house, yard and garden left you with, checking the mails etc. the vacation takes 3 weeks of work after work to get back to normal. Lots of pictures, though.
I notice that we seem to take the same sojourns to the same places when we travel anymore..
I notice the cat can run the farm as well as I can. Farm's still here; she's still here when we get home.
I notice I have no inclination to use my musical talents, such as they are, as a performance art anymore. Makes me nervous...all those people and expectations.
I still love to play music and tell stories with long as they don't mind slow jam and lots of conversation between beers, I mean tunes.
I just noticed it's 11:00 o'clock Daylight Savings Time, and that means it's 10:00 Eastern Standard Time. Georgia is gonna put a referendum on the Nov. ballot as to which we want: DST all the time or EST all the time. I'm all for EST.
I've noticed days are too long. Time for bed...
Goodnight all!
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