Who has not watched the Wildebeest migrations on some PBS show? These herd animals gang up together for safety. This behavior is "protection" against lions, and other predators. It insures the survival of the herd, as the old, weak, sick, unlucky, uneducated and STUPID fall prey to those who have their own family to feed. Ever wonder why grazing animals have eyes on the side of their heads and predators have eye in the front of their heads. Hunted and hunter. I guess we're really a hybrid...prey predator herd bound independent and maker of dubious decisions.
Our true hearts tell us we KNOW that we need to sequester to have the best chance of surviving the present Covid 19 invasion. It's been proven through the centuries that isolated populations are more likely to survive mass extinctions. The European invasion of America wiped out millions of indigenous people. Whole villages and tribes just died out. Neither the native species or the invasive species were spared, and there was no cure...except for those who escaped contact by isolation by luck or design.
So, I know it's Spring. It's been a long winter. People are waking up from hibernation and yearning to get back to normal. Well, DON'T just go out and start shaking hands, hugging grandma, organizing neighborhood social events and block parties. That will not go well, I assure you. Opening in some States caused me to wonder whose tail is wagging the dog.
We can stay away from members of the herd without protective equipment deemed necessary for the occasion. We alone can protect ourselves and families by using good sense. No one is immune.
We have always lived under the influence of those who would tell us how to do it. It's a pyramid scheme. Base is at the bottom and boss at the top, Pay check on Friday. Party on the weekend. Normal herd behavior. That is not the norm now.
Those we are perceived to be at the top in our society; politicians religious leaders, doctors, lawyers, Indian chiefs, executive chefs, movie personalities, financial wizards, teachers, parents big brothers and sisters and dog walker seem to be experts as to how to handle this unseen enemy. We live in an age of mistrust and division. Normal is out the window right now...sorta' like the late 60's and 70's. We survived that to build what our hearts desired. That has changed and we ain't happy. Exactly what this little bundle of virus needs. Again, we are in this long haul and together.
Right now, all experts are screaming to be heard over the grumbling/rumbling of a public not happy with responses. They want normal and they aren't getting it. The herd is mobilizing to their have the right to live, die, shop, get hair cuts, travel, party, go to the beach and anything they deem "used to be normal" restored now...to hell with the virus. Is this "Lemmings to the sea" normal herd mentality? Nope. The herd will stick together to minimize its loses and insure the safety of the herd for the long haul.
We need to determine who has it, who hasn't, who had and didn't show it and who is most likely to be at occupational risk and what can we do to protect these people, our livelihood, the food supply and our well being as individuals in the herd.
I feel social distancing and sheltering in place should continue as testing continues so as to get a truer picture of what's going on out there. This is going to be slow. This little bug is out to get us all. Politics, Religion, Race and Creed be damned. We have the tools, smarts, dedication and funds to whip it, but it will take time...and that's what we have right now. Time. Time to unify and try to get on the same page about something of world wide consequences. Enough damn bickering about he said she said I right you wrong. CORONA DON'T CARE.
Do not heed the advice of those who downplay the severity of this little corona bug. Do not heed the advice of those who give bad advice, advance political and financial messages, doomsday theories, get rich quick schemes, and tonics that will cure falling down stairs. Time, diligence and a dose of good common sense will keep you and yours safe.
Do stay in touch. Do get some sunshine and fresh air with you and yours. USE YOUR HEAD, IT AIN'T JUST A HAT RACK. Don't become a member of THE ANNUAL DARWIN AWARDS.
DON'T engage in activities that GET you or a family member DEAD.
DON"T GET DEAD bottom line.
Ain't no vaccine for STUPID, now or then |
Ain't no vaccine for stupid.