Wednesday, July 22, 2020


Skewing the numbers of cases, and  testing data by some to downplay the severity of this Pandemic does not make the picture clearer. It does not change the fact we are in the throes of a dilemma that is killing us, literally, and many other ways.

Our economic future did not disappear in the Flu Epidemic. History shows our country survived a World War, and a world wide pandemic. they didn't even know what a virus was then. True, times are different, but what worked in 1917, 1941 and 911 will work today, but not without pain, sorrow, and sacrifice.

"I don't need  to wear a mask, you're wearing one." Said to me by a friend in the hardware store.

It has become apparent that re-election has become paramount to our politicians over the years. What happened to protecting those who put them in office. Derisive behavior only breed contempt. We are better than this.

Why, in this time of trouble, do our politicians need a break when so many essential piece of legislation need addressing for the well being of our country. Tighten up and fly right, Congress. Your  constituents will judge you by your actions, You are safer, and more needed, in DC now.

We are not Red and Blue people. We are Americans, living in America, and need to act like it. People of all races, creeds and religions matter. Red and Blue are just colors, not people.

If Democrats are the enemy, are Republicans somehow better?  "We have met the enemy and he is us." Prophetic words from Pogo in the 1960's. Walt Kelly didn't know how much so.

Maybe we need a couple of new parties, so compromises have to be part of our political equation in order to govern. Just saying...

Looking in the mirror and liking what you see is what makes one happy. Smile and see how much better you look. Now, put on a mask and smile in the mirror.Your eyes tell the story, you are still smiling. Wear the damn mask!

Gonna' be some sad talking and slow walking before this is over if we stay our present course..

In South Carolina on August, 1886, an earthquake struck Charleston, killing 100 and demolishing most of the city. A black woman was overheard praying, "God,please come down here and help us, and don't send your boy, this ain't no place for children!". I think it's appropriate message in today's world.

Shutting down again is an option, however; wearing masks, distancing and going out only for necessities is a better option. I worked two month ago, and it'll work again.

Instant gratification is not without risks. Patience is the better part of valor, and allows time for risk assessment..

No one should suffer for your lack of concern for your fellow human beings, no matter your politics.

Squandering the future of our youth and our teachers to fill a classroom is pure foolishness. Much of the world was built by people who learned by experience and perseverance.

The blame game never results in progress until one accepts the blame and tries to improve.

I am appalled that the very government to whom we pay taxes to is so tight with our money when the American people need it most. We are not an impoverished country. People need help, not politics.

The  amount of sacrifice we have seen this Pandemic is being demeaned by the those who refuse to participate in the "We're All in This Together" movement.

So, this is not a complete list. There are many topics I have purposely not included in this diatribe. I have to do a second cutting of hay soon...more tractor thinking to come.


Smile behind your masked, help someone in need and protect what is most dear to you...the family you live with. Take time to enjoy a shot of fine spirits, a bowl of ice cream, a sit on a porch swing, or an hour in the garden, a good movie or a nap. You worth it.!

Be safe

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Some Words of Wisdom

A mouth can break it's nose - Irish Proverb To celebrate with confetti is not a celebration to those who have to clean it up. tractor ...