Monday, January 1, 2024

The Small Blue Ball: A New Year Greeting/Warning

 New Year's Eve...

So, the past year was tumultuous to put mildly.

Political dialog: Non Existent/Divisive 

War: Seeming around the globe 

Weather: Destructive and unpredictable

 Water: Scarce and getting scarcer

 Stewardship of our ecosystems, flora and fauna: Lacking/Dwindling 

Human condition: Dire 

Well, ain't that a bummer of 2023!

The above observations are one Octogenarian's view from my 15 acres of paradise on a The Small Blue Ball.

 We, the People of this fragile Small Blue Ball must not and cannot forget it's is our home, our only home.  The moon ain't our home, nor is Mars. Put the money wasted on narcissistic fantasies of  living "somewhere else" to good use on the Small Blue Ball and leave fantasy to Walt Disney and Science Fiction writers. It's gonna' take a monumental amount of imagination and cash to fix what we've already messed up in the last 50 years to begin to put right the Small Blue Ball. It's our nest.

Keeping the Small Blue Ball happy, the water flowing, trees producing oxygen, coral reefs filtering, glaciers moving, oceans working, flora and fauna, including our animal selves is tantamount to our survival as large brained pedal, intelligent homo sapiens. Are we a noble experiment gone awry?

The Small Blue Ball  isn't a oyster or a cherry to be plucked bare. When that happens, and it is happening with amazing frequency, there ain't no more. Forever is a long time.

Government that should administer to the people who elect and trust them to do right by trust placed in those officials. More often nowadays, they tend to abuse those who empower them.

War seems to be in style again. Mostly against the innocent populations that inhabit the unjustly invaded countries. I've never seen it written that War is Necessary on the Tombs of the Ancient Pharaohs, or anywhere else, for that matter. I don't believe war is a necessary human condition. It proves nothing except who is left at it end.

The Small Blue Ball Weather has taken a toll in 2023. Hot/ Dry/ Wet/ Cold/ Cyclonic/ Fiery/ Quakey, and generally traumatic for many in the world this year.

We have nomenclature:  climate change, global warming/ natural cycles of nature. Our planet is under siege. As I have stated many times. Pogo Possum had it right on the first Earth Day..."We have met the enemy, and he are us". The Small Blue Ball is losing the ability to reliably deliver climate zone heat and air at the moment. Why is under investigation, but I suspect the answer was succinctly put by a small cartoon Possum. 

So we should try to reverse some of the known causes, and see if that helps. If it doesn't, and it will take time, blame it on the Stones.

Our very food source is under siege.We have lost so many species of plants, animals and insects to our lack proper protection of our nest...more are never seen on earth again everyday. Lost to Greed?  Lack of Stewardship? Education? Again, Possums can talk.

Harmony People...Harmony and Understanding, Hard Work, Attention to the Blue Ball that feeds us will give us the Peace on Earth we wish for. Find your courage of pursue the salvation of the Small Blue Ball

Jan 1 is only a date...everyday counts,

Happy New Year...


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