Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Of Immigration and De=mocratization

I will agree that things have gotten out of hand on the Southern Border with Mexico. Policies change with administrations, as if there was ever a working one for long. 

Are we back to the building of walls to keep people in or out? They didn't work for Hadrian in England, nor  the Chineses Dynasties. 

Razor wire, border guards, busing to "sanctuary" cities, calling in State Militias from states not our own, and many other desperate policies haven't worked...at all. Desperate people driven by hope aren't easily discouraged.  

We have an antiquated way to seek legal entry into this country. Chaos loves confusion. It's been chaotic for so long we can't remember when it wasn't. Duh!

It's unlikely anyone in the US Congress will do more than "fling the language around with some wherefore and whereases. Mitch McConnell once remarked he had pile of bills on his desk and hadn't looked at a one of them. He ain't the first or the last to be privy to such piles of We, the People's elected officials conduct. 

Immigration reforms must be simpler, nimbler and less time consuming. It will save money, time, and lives. Things in our world change rapidly. It will take a fluid compromises that can adapt quickly to situations that cause the situations we see today. All America's problems are just situations. We need to assess them as not insurmountable, but as a challenge.

I agree it is not our job alone. Countries in crisis need to work out the problems in their own backyards. Governments should be for the people. Too often they are not...leading to the world at war, a changing climate, starving people. These are things that all countries can work on. We're not in this alone.  Happier people make more stable countries. Governments should help in making the health and happiness of it's citizens their first priority.

There are 70 something dictatorships in the world we live in, and the number is increasing. hope it ain't our out of lack of attention, lack of participation, lack of education as to how our Democracy works. A 9th grade Civics book would work.

Another question. Do you have a clue where your family immigrated from? If not, someone in your family might. Ask around to relatives, or join Ancestry or some other genealogical site  and do the work. Who first came across the big pond as an immigrant in your family? What were the circumstance that caused them to leave their homeland, friends and relatives for the unknown facing them.

In the this 48 states, we can express an opinion, carry a banner, vote for elected officials to legislate for the good of all citizens. There are rising threats to that right to vote, based on illegitimate claims that some people are more equal than others.

Masses of people in the world do not enjoy such privileges of free choice. Erosion of those privileges, and the guardrails that protect our Constitution are being undermined by AI, fake news, political paralysis, fear mongering, conspiracy theories and self interest groups. We are inundated with data and make decisions on the  insufficient data and a lack of critical thinking on our part in a rapidly changing world. 

This noble experiment called Democracy ain't gonna end well if we hold to this path of mistrust, divisiveness and social tensions.

 Maybe Congress should call the Midwives! We need Congress Reborn! We is met the enemy and it are us'uns. 

Wise up people.  Stop, Look, and Listen. Thinking critically about things doesn't cause pain, I promise.


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